
Books and articles:

Next Stop: Europe? Aspirations for Secondary Migration Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan. International Migration Review . (Online first) 2022. With Huafeng Zhuang. Download

Mobility at the margins. The facilitating and risk-reducing role of clustered migration in migration for begging between Romania and Norway. International Migration 61 (1) 2022. With Jon Horgen Friberg. Download

A paradise without people, Ambivalence in representations of migration and its outcomes when Syrian refugees talk about secondary migration to Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47 (17) 2021. Download

Surveying migrant populations with respondent-driven sampling. Experiences from surveys of east-west migration in Europe. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 24 (3). 2020 Download 

Rumensk tiggemigrasjon i et menneskehandelsperspektiv. Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning. 60(1) 2019. With Jon Horgen Friberg. Download

Opportunities and risks among the migrant workers in the hotel industry in Oslo. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 6 (2) 2016 With Aadne Aasland  Download

Motherhood, Agency and Sacrifice in Narratives on Female Migration for Care Work. Sociology 49(1) 2015 Download

A Welcomed Separation. Understanding female migration in light of limited access to divorce. Nordic Journal of Migration Research 5(3) 2015 Download

Applying Respondent Driven Sampling to Migrant Populations. Lessons from the Field. Palgrave Macmillan UK 2014 Edited with Lisa Johnston. Download

Dependence and Human Trafficking in the Context of Transnational Marriage  International Migration 51(4) 2013  Download

Ethics or access? Balancing informed consent against the application of institutional, economic or emotional pressures in recruiting respondents for research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 15(3) 2012 Download

Fragmenterte arbeidsplasser? En spørreundersøkelse blant hotellarbeidere i Oslo og Akershus Søkelys på Arbeidsmarkedet 28 (4) 2011 With David Jordhus-Lier, Aadne Aasland and Anders Underthun  Download

Limitations in Research on Human Trafficking. International migration 48(5) 2010. Download

Describing the Unobserved: Methodological Challenges in Empirical Studies on Human Trafficking. International Migration, 43(1/2) 2005 With Anette Brunovskis. Download

Value consensus and social cohesion in Russia (2004) in Nation-building and common values in Russia Pål Kolstø and Helge Blakkisrud ed. Oxford : Rowman &​ Littlefield. With Pål Kolstø

Reports and other non-peer reviewed publications:

Assessing future migration among Ukrainian refugees in Poland and Norway (report) Faforeport 2022:23. With Ida Kjeøy . Download

Irregulær bistand. En kartlegging av norske storbyers møter med irregulære migranter. Fafo-rapport 2021:15. With Ragna Lillevik Download

Migration policies and irregular migration into Europe. A review of the current knowledge base. Fafopaper 2021:02. With  Ragna Lillevik. Download

En mulighet for kvalifisering. Brukerundersøkelse blant deltakere i introduksjonsprogrammet. Fafo-rapport 2018:35. With Ragna Lillevik. Download

Et trygt sted å vente. Omsorgspraksiser på asylmottak for enslige mindreårige. Fafo-rapport 2018:05. With Silje Sønsterudbråten og Magne Raundalen. Download

Evaluering av tilrettelagt avdeling i asylmottak. Et tilbud til asylsøkere med helseproblemer. Fafo report 2017-22. Med Ragna Lillevik og Silje Sønsterudbråten. Download

Oppfølging av mulige mindreårige ofre for menneskehandel i Norge. Fafo-notat 2016:09. Download

Fattige tilreisende fra Romania i Oslo. En diskusjon rundt diskriminering og tilgang på offentlige rom. Fafo-notat 2015:13. Download

The Social Meanings of Migration. PhD Thesis. Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo 2015. Download

Ikke våre barn. Identifisering og oppfølging av mindreårige ofre for menneskehandel i Norge. Fafo-rapport 2015:45. With  Hilde Lidén, May-Len Skilbrei, Carmen From Dalseng og Kristian Takvam Kindt. Download

When poverty meets affluence. Migrants from Romania on the streets of the Scandinavian capitals. Fafo report 2015. With Anne Britt Djuve, Jon Horgen Friberg and Huafeng Zhang Download

Et skritt på veien. Evaluering av Handlingsplan for å bedre levekårene blant rom i Oslo. Fafo-rapport 2014:50 With Jon Horgen Friberg . Download

Someone who cares. A study of vulnerability and risk in marriage migration from Russia and Thailand to Norway. Fafo-report 2008:26 With Marianne Tveit. Download

Polonia i Oslo. En studie av arbeids- og levekår blant polakker i hovedstadsområdet. Fafo-rapport 2007:27 With Jon Horgen Friberg. Download

Taking Stock. A review of the existing research on trafficking for sexual exploitation. Fafo-report 493, 2005. With Marianne Tveit and Anette Brunovskis Download

Crossing Borders. An Empirical Study of Transnational Prostitution and Trafficking in Human Beings. Fafo-report 426. With Anette Brunovskis. Download

Trying to be strong. A study of the impact of economy and culture on lifestyle choices and use of health care institutions in the Murmansk region of Russia. Fafo-report 407, 2003 With Larissa Riabova and Vigdis Nygård. Download

Better or Worse? Living Conditions Developments in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 1994–1999 Fafo-report 334 2000 Download